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Click here to read the history of the shtetl of Pliskov.

Click to read excerpts from Pliskover Meeting Minutes:

Search Meeting Minute Excerpts:

Click here to see pictures from the 2005 Picnic.

Click here to see pictures from the 100th Anniversary Gala.

Click here to see pictures from the 96th Anniversary Dinner Dance.

Click here to see old Pliskover Photographs.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Pliskover Cemetery Association
P.O. Box 8237
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

1943Need for a Strong Organization, February 7, 1943Appeal made for the United Jewish Fund. General discussion of Jewish position in the world today. Mr. Verbofsky points out necessity of a strong Association to be prepared to cooperate with all Jewish national organizations, after the war, in the great task of relief for the Jews of Europe.The Fortieth Anniversary Book of The Pliskov Free Loan Association, 1908-1948