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1908The first meeting, Sunday, August 23, 1908"We, the Landsleit of Pliskov, gathered at the home of Lazar Rubenstein, 1609 Webster Avenue, and organized a Verein with the name "Pliskover Free Loan Association." We can now realize how earnest and sincere these people were upon noticing that no names were mentioned except Lazar Rubenstein's -- and his because the meeting happened to be held in his house. No one was after personal glory or honor. Every one was concerned only about organizing a Verein with the express purpose of helping a compatriot in distress.The Thirtieth Anniversary Jubilee Book of The Pliskover Free Loan Association, 1908-1938
1908The second meeting, Sunday, September 20, 1908It was held at the home of Mr. Lazar Rubenstein. The following officers were elected: President, Mr. Jacob Rosen (Yankov-Zelig's); Vice-President, Mr. Samuel Calig (Samuel Uralabe's); Treasurer, Mr. Louis Rubensteinl Recording Secretary, Benzion Sacks; Financial Secretary, Mr. Isadore Roth. Some of the by-laws-- 1. Committee appointed to visit sick Landsleit. 2. Committee appointed to hear pleas of distress from unfortunate fellow-countrymen, so that they would not be made at an open meeting.The Thirtieth Anniversary Jubilee Book of The Pliskover Free Loan Association, 1908-1938
1909The first six monthsDuring the first six months of the organization, all business was transacted in true order, although there is no record of formal meetings. At the meeting of April 18, 1909, the same officers were re-elected, the initiation was set at $1.00 and dues at $0.10 per week, in return for which a member was to receive benefits when in need. At various later meetings, committees were appointed to obtain a charter, to audit the organization's books, to report a member when sick or in need, especially one who was in need and too embarassed to report himself.The Thirtieth Anniversary Jubilee Book of The Pliskover Free Loan Association, 1908-1938